Nautical Nights
Battleship Cove offers a unique experience for those seeking adventure history. Nautical Nights, pioneered by Battleship Cove in 1972, allows visitors to spend a night aboard a naval vessel. For many, it is an annual tradition that brings together generations of families to experience the awe-inspiring size and history of the ship. From the U.S. flag to the 16" guns, visitors are sure to be dazzled by the ship's features.

The Experience
Battleship Cove's Nautical Nights program is perfect for Scouts, Youth and School Groups, and families alike. Spending a night on one of the mightiest defenders of freedom is an unforgettable experience. The Battleship Massachusetts was designed to carry 1,800 men, but she typically carried nearly 2,300 on board throughout the war.
Once aboard, all groups will be sleeping in the original enlisted barracks on second deck on authentic sailors' racks, made of tough canvas stretched across a sturdy aluminum frame, giving you a firsthand feel of what it was like to be a sailor in World War II. If you're lucky, your average hotel might throw in a complimentary continental breakfast, but at Battleship Cove, you get an experience that money can't buy.
Battleship Cove cherishes its reputation for innovative, quality programming with an emphasis on education. During each scheduled overnight, guests will be able to participate in various activities (free or prepaid) that allows them to better connect with the incredible history around them.
Example Schedule:
2:00-4:00 PM: Check-in
2:00-Lights out: Continued exploration
5:00 PM: Fire drill
5:30-7:00 PM: Rotational dinners
7:00-9:00 PM: Activities
9:00 PM: Feature Film
11:00 PM: Lights Out
7:00 AM: Wake up
7:30-8:30 AM: Rotational breakfast
9:00 AM: Removal of all belongings
9:00 AM to Closing: Continued exploration

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